Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Circle 3

In the third circle of upper hell, the Gluttons reside. When Dante wakes up from his fainting spell, he sees that he is in a new palce. There is "a great storm of putrification,"(44), that was "a mixture of stinking snow and freezing rain," (44). In life, the gluttons eat and eat until they get a warm, satisfactory feeling inside. Their punishment in return for those actions is that they have to live in the cold, ice and not have those warm feelings again. The gluttons eat and drink in excess and that is what makes them satisfied. Their punishment in hellis that they are being eaten by Cerberus, the three-headed dog. He rips them apart while they lie the waste and garbabge.
The Gluttons make lots of garbage and waste while they eat and drink. They are "producers of nothing but garbage and offal," (44). While lying in hell, in the cold and being eaten, they live in the garbage and have to be surrounded by it. The law of contrapasso makes it so that everything they enjoyed in life, they have to suffer the oppodites.

1 comment:

  1. You struggle some with this first post - first thing is you are over 100 words short in exploring the prompt. You added the gates of hell inscription which was a good extra but unrelated to your first post. Your post reads as a summary more than analysis of -- what is the so what here? what is Dante asserting about this sin? what is unique about his diction and imagery? Need to go in much more depth to show your understanding. See me or the Writing Center for some help on next posts.
